Kobo Writing Life has a number of free downloads available. Here are some to get you started:
- The Writer's Bible: Outlining, Revising, and Plotting Your Novel by Michael Lee West - The Time Travelers Guide to Medieval England from the Body Sphere by Roberta E Casey and Caroline Casey - 12 Secrets of How Writers Write by Scott J. Smith -The Only Grammar Book You'll Ever Need (Gift Edition) by William Arntz Jr. - The Norton Shakespeare: First Folio Edited by Edmond Malone - The Norton Shakespeare: Second Folio Edited by A.B. Gollancz and Edward Arber - The Norton Shakespeare: Third Folio Edited by Edwin Greenlaw and John Dover Wilson - The Oxford Illustrated Shakespeare edited by Stanley Wells a number of other books on Shakespeare -For Free on Kobo:
Kobo Writing Life has a number of free downloads available. Here are some to get you started:
- The Writer's Bible: Outlining, Revising, and Plotting Your Novel by Michael Lee West - The Time Travelers Guide to Medieval England from the Body Sphere by Roberta E Casey and Caroline Casey - 12 Secrets of How Writers Write by Scott J. Smith - For Free on Kobo:
-The Only Grammar Book You'll Ever Need (Gift Edition) by William Arntz Jr. - The Norton Shakespeare: First Folio Edited by Edmond Malone - The Norton Shakespeare: Second Folio Edited by A.B. Gollancz and Edward Arber - The Norton Shakespeare: Third Folio Edited by Edwin Greenlaw and John Dover Wilson - The Oxford Illustrated Shakespeare edited by Stanley Wells a number of other books on Shakespeare - For Free on Kobo:
-For Free on Kobo: Kobo Writing Life has a number of free downloads available. Here are some to get you started:
- The Writer's Bible: Outlining, Revising, and Plotting Your Novel by Michael Lee West - The Time Travelers Guide to Medieval England from the Body Sphere by Roberta E Casey and Caroline Casey - 12 Secrets of How Writers Write by Scott J. Smith - For Free on Kobo:
-The Only Grammar Book You'll Ever Need (Gift Edition) by William Arntz Jr. - The Norton Shakespeare: First Folio Edited by Edmond Malone - The Norton Shakespeare: Second Folio Edited by A.B.
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